Healing Resources

Scotty's Channel

Check out @TheScottyKing YouTube Channel where he shares weekly healing breath, awareness skills and movement practices to support you in your healing and wellness journey to live a more conscious, intentional and present lifestyle.

Scotty's Audio

Visit Scotty’s soundcloud page where you can practice and learn breathing, meditation and awareness tools through his guided audio sessions that range from 8 minute – 30 minute practices. This is a wonderful resource to integrate for a daily practice.


Are you wanting to disconnect from the busyness of life for a few days to renew, reconnect and realign with the best version of yourself?

Learn more about Scotty’s Renewal Retreats For Mind, Body & Soul where you can create a customized experience through healing, mindfulness, adventure and wholesome foods.

Scotty's Story

Learn more about Scotty King from his most recent interview with Places of Healing – a resource for worldwide healing and wellness destinations.

Healing with Scotty

The self-paced online course.

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