The Golden Circle

An Online Community for Support, Connection & Transformation

Wednesday, October 23
5:30-6:45PM PST

What Is The Golden Circle?

The Golden Circle online monthly zoom sessions are 60-75 minutes. We begin with a 15-minute guided breathwork and meditation practice to cultivate an open, curious, and compassionate presence. Inside this practice, you will learn nervous system skills and awareness tools to be more grounded, aware and present.

Then, for the next 30 minutes, we will open up with a specific and relevant topic to explore, reflect upon and share into. This is a healing and creative process of discovery that results in letting go of fear-based beliefs (protective-survival-patterns) and releasing energetic (emotional-stuck-energy) blocks caused by a fast-paced and high-stress lifestyle. Inside this process, you will learn emotional regulation skills for transforming anxiety & stress.

Finally, we will complete our group session with a 10-minute breathing practice to anchor and ground this healing essence into the cells of your nervous system.

The outcome of this session is a deeper sense of acceptance, wholeness and connection with yourself, others and the world. You will feel a sense of peace, lightness and ease in your mind, heart and body allowing you to be more open and present.

Who Is It For?

What Are The Benefits?


It was so soul-nourishing and special to meet you and spend some time with you. Thank you so much for leading me on my journey - and also for making my workouts feel fun and getting me back into a routine. The silent meditation hike was one of the most powerful and moving experiences. You're such an amazing life coach / healer and the biggest thank you for also helping me get over my fear of the dark - the labyrinth at night was so magical! Keep shining your light Scotty!!
I have been in therapy over the last 13 years. One session with Scotty was more profound and healing than all these years of traditional therapy combined. His presence is a gift.
Before my journey I was extremely tired and stressed running myself into the ground. I surrounded myself with an unsupportive environment and was stunting my authenticity, pursuing a path that wasn’t my own. My biggest breakthroughs were learning to be with my body; through breath work, listening to my body’s cues and energy to be authentically aligned where I’m meant to be. Another breakthrough that sits with me deeply, a mantra now, is ‘to be with the void’ (a personal ‘aha moment’ in our time together - I have no doubt every one of Scotty’s clients will find their own). Now That I’ve completed our time together, I’ve shifted and am pursuing a path I love. My work and art have become better. The feedback I get from clients on how my work resonates, is a testament of the domino effect in aligning with my spiritual being and purpose.
Creative Artist
I have previous experience of breathwork with two different facilitators and I'd like to say that you bring something really special, Scotty King. It's a deeply masculine holding of the whole process on many levels. I can sense the way it rolls in you, and this energy becomes magnetically present in me too. Then you actually hold the space for the group in that same way. So I feel entirely held and can fully let go into the process in a deeply feminine way - and also use a strong and full focus which is intensified by resonating with you. This is an experience of masculine and feminine energetics inside me, full force, at the same time in perfect synergy. Full on power to take into life!
Sarah, PHD
Creative Regeneration Coach & Therapist
People's faces light up when your name is mentioned. They smile and say something like, "What A Gift Your Are." It has been a real gift and pleasure to have worked with you and sharing together. You are very special and a gift to this world. Keep being you because you are a wonderful blessing!
A drastic life change happened to come about during my time with Scotty. Because of the tools and support he has given me, I am navigating this adjustment with an open mind and much more clarity that I would have been able to achieve on my own. I am able to approach this new chapter with excitement and curiosity instead of doubt and fear.
Vice President
This was the beginning of a profound heart opening journey, I took with Scotty King, holding space for me, to awaken my inner healer. I had many struggles in life before working with Scotty. The main three being: Loving myself, Receiving love from others and Setting Boundaries The three things that helped my breakthroughs and results were and are: Breathwork and meditation sessions, Coaching sessions and Accountability to do the work! There are so many things I am experiencing now that have forever changed my life after working with Scotty, here are the main three: I own and am moving forward with my dream company that has only existed in my head for 6 years. I live completely in the present moment and for the first time ever in my life “I want what I have.” I love myself completely. The story of meeting Scotty shows how connected and dedicated Scotty is to his gift of helping others open their hearts and heal. Scotty's dedication to the care and maintenance of his own life and heart are responsible for his success in helping others. Scotty is truly a breathwork master and can guide you to beautiful places in your soul through his meditations. Scotty answered the call to raise the vibrations and open the hearts of many, so those many can open the hearts and raise the vibrations of many more.
Scotty is such a pure, empowered and authentic soul. The work he facilitates truly comes from the inside out. Scotty makes this type of transformative work approachable and exciting. He guides so gently and yet powerfully. Several times after our sessions, I've felt like I've moved MONTHS of work, stagnation and energy. Scotty is lighthearted, sweet like honey and super motivational. It's nothing short of a miracle to meet Scotty and receive his gifts.
Creative Artist
Thank you x1000! I am still processing the experiences I had the honor to have thanks to you. I'm so very grateful for the knowledge, kindness, wisdom, patience and healing you shared with me. Definitely the highlight of my week and the start to the rest of my life!
Entrepreneur Chef
The simple breathing technique you taught me has truly changed my life. No more pharmaceutical interventions which I had come to rely on far too frequently. Thank you so much for this huge gift. The change has been revolutionary.
Scotty guided me through this journey in a way that allowed me to feel safe enough to tap into the parts of me that needed to be brought to the surface in order to be healed. I achieved more healing and self awareness in a few short months with Scotty than I had in years of traditional therapy.
When I first met Scott, I was coming out of a 30 year addiction. Full of Fear, anger, unworthiness and stuck in old conditioned beliefs, agreements and attachments. After observing Scott's lifestyle and the transformation he was making within himself and especially the profound impact he was making in others, I found the will to believe I can live a better life beyond my wildest dreams. I surrendered and dedicated myself to his program that has forever transformed my life. Through this transformational journey, coaching, and spiritual guidance, I was taught to tame the ego, discover root causes, allow and feel my true real raw emotions, receive, break down limiting beliefs and barriers, and be in a life of evolving healing through self reflection and self love. I now realize that I am enough. I learned to listen to my intuition and spirit. Clearing this space and breaking those changes has given me the courage to be in truth, divine connection, higher self and manifest the life I always dreamed. I might have been able to get sober but I never knew I could live a life of bliss, love, joy, contentment. I'm so proud of myself, other's and especially Scotty for allowing me to find my true path, dharma, gifts and purpose. Love and light! Many blessings, gratitude, and appreciation. I have been Awakened!